Name: palan, Inc.
Founded: August, 2019
Founder: Eishi Saito

Contact Person:Eishi Saito
Born in 1985.
Graduated from Yokohama City University, Faculty of Commerce in 2009. System Integrator, a major system development company. Involvement with business side of a startup company. Established palan, Inc. in November 2016.


palan, Inc. provides palanAR, a no code AR creation platform that enables anyone to create their own AR. Our service is used across education, tourism, entertainment and event industries and has 7000 users with a total of 19,000 ARs created. We also provide design and development service for WebAR, VR, website and SaaS products.

– Palan saw the potential of AR and become one of the top companies.

The reason why I started AR development is because as an engineer, I saw the potential of AR while experimenting with various technologies. By potential, I mean the possibility of using technology to make everyone’s lives richer and more enjoyable. At the time, no other company was doing AR on the browser, so we started. As a result of our continued efforts, many companies have adopted this technology, and we have accumulated a track record of success. We also do business with overseas companies, and we are planning to expand our overseas projects in the future.

– What does “AR” look like?

Many people have heard of augmented reality (AR), but are not sure how it will actually change their lives. What is actually being used today is the use of tablets and smartphones to display characters on the spot, or to superimpose 3D models of furniture in your room and coordinate them with each other. This alone is a new experience and can be enjoyed as entertainment, so PR activities using AR technology by companies are increasing.

But what will happen in the “future” with the development of AR technology? When walking around town, images will appear in space and provide information about the area according to the user’s attributes, flying whales will swim in front of you, and it will be possible to recreate scenes just like those in science fiction movies. AR technology is being developed to make these things a reality, and the services we provide will evolve as well.

– Creating AR with palanAR is a piece of cake!

We have developed “palanAR,” a tool that allows non-engineers to easily create AR with no code. Our main target was marketers who want to use AR to promote their products and local governments to attract tourism, but in fact, a wide range of people are using the tool and over 24,000 works have already been created using “palanAR” (as of October, 2023). 

There is also a function that displays a graph showing how many responses a work has received after it has been posted, and this data can be used to make further improvements. It is free and anyone can start using AR in a variety of fields.


– What palan aims to achieve

Currently, AR is mostly used for entertainment and tourism, but it is also beginning to be used in a wide range of fields such as education, medicine, and manufacturing. We will continue to promote the use of AR in various industries. We will also collaborate with AR glasses manufacturers in Japan and overseas to create dynamic near-future type contents. We have already started cooperation with major overseas companies, and we will lead the AR industry as a Japanese company.